Tuesday 15 November 2011

BLOG TOUR: Double Shadows

Double Shadows: The Sally Gardner blog tour

I am most ridiculously excited to welcome Sally Gardner to my blog. I reviewed The Double Shadow here and as you can see I'm a big old enthusiastic FAN. I am DOUBLEy thrilled, because this post is about my favourite character, Ezra. Although perhaps I should be slightly embarrassed, as I recently made Ezra one of my imaginary book boyfriends, not expecting him to show up right here on my blog. Time for me to quietly back out of the room and hide my photoshopped 'me&Ezra' wedding pictures and time for Sally to begin! (Ooh and don't miss the book trailer at the bottom of the page!)  

DOUBLE SHADOWS: The path taken by Ezra

When asked to pick my favourite character from The Double Shadow, you might expect me to pick my herione, Amaryllis. But I think my heart lies with Ezra. He’s a very gentle soul, you can see what his life would have been if Amaryllis hadn’t scooped him up – he would have been happy as a countryside mechanic and lived a much less extraordinary life – I like the fact that a door opened for him at the time he doesn’t want it opened and in that one event his whole life is changed.

His kindness and bravery are constant – he never emotionally changes, but internally he has a great change as his loathing of Amaryllis turns to a love which runs very deep within him. It is a moving story. I think that in every character there is the possibility of the other path not taken.

I never believe in heroes being all bad or all good, characters could always go either way – Ezra is given several chances to turn away from the memory machine of the story, but he never takes them. I don’t think he’s supersonically handsome but he’s a striking man. He’s not frightened of emotions. Having lived with his traumatised father (who suffers from Shell Shock; an after effect of The Great War) he’s very used to double personalities. The love of his mother (another of my favourite characters) is what gives him his strength to always carry on: the women were holding Britain together at that time, between the wars . I believe they still do.

Sally Gardner, 2011

Bookety book trailer:

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